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From Earth to Fruit

Without good grapes, there are no good wines

Grape varietials

We use the traditional grape varieties of the Bordeaux appellations:

red grape varietials: Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Malbec, Petit Verdot

white grape varietals: Sémillon, Sauvignon Gris, Sauvignon Blanc


We seek to make them express as well as possible on the different soils that we can observe in our terroirs. We also have a very high density of plants per hectare (more than 5000 plants/hectare) in order to obtain the most concentrated fruit possible.

When it comes to planting new vines, we always evaluate the soil, its exposure in order to understand which grape variety will express its full potential there. Today, the climatic component is also very important in our decisions, we try in particular to favor grape varietals which until then had a "late" maturity such as cabernet sauvignon 


You can find the grape varietals and the types of soil in the description of each of our wines

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Organic Farming

A conversion in several stages


In 2010, we tried to stop chemical weeding and switch to organic phytosanitary treatments for the first time. Unfortunately, after several years, due to a lack of experience and good equipment (still very expensive at the time), bad weeds take over our vines and yields drop drastically. We therefore choose to start with sustainable agriculture with Terra Vitis certification.

Finally, after 10 years of testing organic farming methods, with a better understanding of the needs of our terroirs but also a democratization of soil working tools, we formalized our conversion to organic farming in 2020. We are very happy of this change which sticks to our vision of working as close as possible to our vines.

A living soil

An important parameter for the vine to thrive is its root system as well as the vitality of the soil in which it grows. 

With mechanical tillage, the vine is forced to develop a deeper root system in the soil (average depth of 15 meters) which makes it stronger and better able to capture water and food resources.

To have a rich soil and since 2022, after several years of trials, we have planted cereals inter-row to produce plant cover which will be cut in  spring to serve as organic compost for the soil.

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